A Gospel Thought Pt.3

3 03 2016

Gospel12It is easy for us to look at our unsaved co-workers, neighbors, and family members and just assume they are all defiant towards the gospel. But not everyone is defiant. Some may carry a surface persona of disinterest and antagonism but are really just quietly searching for answers. One time I heard a preacher describe the Samaritan woman in John 4 as a seductively dressed woman who practiced the behavior of the Proverbs 7 woman, but I’m not convinced that she was truly that way. It is true that she had been married a number of times and was currently living with a man who was not her husband, but those things do not mean she was a harlot living a hard-hearted defiant life toward God. Could it be that she was simply a woman who was extremely hungry for a relationship that fully satisfied and was looking for that relationship in all of the wrong places?

A lot of our evangelism efforts never begin because we have just assumed that a person will not want the gospel if we gave it to them. The Great Commission is not a command to discern who is receptive and who is not. The Great Commission is a command to go into all the world and preach to every creature. Let’s not be guilty of an unhealthy form of evangelistic discrimination.

Keep your eyes out for divine appointments this week. Take advantage of opportunities to give the gospel. Walk into your day armed with a few gospel tracts and a heart that is walking in the Spirit. God may have a “thirsty person” like the woman at the well who simply needs to know the truth that they can have a satisfying relationship with Jesus Christ through faith. You might be able to lead a soul to Christ!