Your Humble Opinion vs. God’s Holy Word
16 02 2015This may surprise you, but God never said that He would bless your “humble opinion.” He did say, though, that He will bless His Word!
Do you have friends who are struggling? Are they working through difficult circumstances or hard questions? If so, then lay down your opinions and pick up Bible answers. Allow Scripture to fulfill its God-given purpose of furnishing believers with everything that we need (II Timothy 3:17). Take Scriptural principles and season your conversations with them. The issues your friends deal with in their walk with God are not mere scratches and bruises that are healed by your opinions. They are often deep-rooted heart issues and cancerous struggles of the flesh, which can only be solved with Scripture.
A lot of people shy away from disciple making because they don’t think they know enough Bible to help someone. Don’t let that happen to you. Your friends don’t need you to be the Bible college professor who takes Greek and Hebrew to carefully craft a presentation to answer their questions. What they need is someone who is humbly studying the Bible, applying it to his own life, and willing to share how he found the Word of God to help him.
Good disciples makers are humble students of God’s Word. They may not have shelves filled with commentaries or expensive Bible programs, but they do have a well-worn Bible on which they have spent much time meditating. Some of the best disciple makers I know use this common phrase when they don’t know the answer to a question: “I don’t know the answer, but I know where I can find the answer.” Their humble response teaches others that the answer is not found in man but in God’s Word.
In addition to being a humble student, good disciple makers are also obedient followers of God’s Word. They are consistently putting the Bible into action in their lives. They read the Bible with the purpose of obeying it, not just understanding it. Their lives become the flesh and blood example of what they are encouraging others to do with God’s Word.
Humble, obedient students of God’s Word make great disciple makers. Are you a humble, obedient student of God’s Word?