Spiritual Leadership Pt.3

26 11 2009

Spiritual Leadership in the Home

Dad and Mom want to be spiritual leaders. They are willing to lay down their agenda for God’s agenda and to lead the family according to that agenda. But where in the Bible do they find that agenda? Genesis? Ephesians? Proverbs?

Crystal Balls and Encyclopedias

Some people think of the Bible as a crystal ball that supernaturally informs the reader of his divine destiny. Others wish that the Bible were like an encyclopedia where they could just look up a topic for which they want answers. But the Bible does not operate like either of these. Instead it reveals to us Who God is and what He has done.  Remember the account given to us in Luke 24:13-27? There it states that Christ took the Old Testament and revealed Himself to the two with whom He was walking. The purpose of the Bible is to reveal Christ to us.

So, Dad and Mom want to be spiritual leaders. They are looking into the Bible to find out Who God is and what He has done, but how can this help them figure out God’s agenda?

The Word of God teaches us the ways of God that we may know the will of God.

The more we know what a person is like, the more we know what they expect. There are things within the realm of parenting and marriage that God’s Word does not specifically address. However, the more we know what God is like and how He has worked in the past, we can come to discover what God would expect in the various situations we find ourselves in.

Spiritual leaders must be in the Bible on a regular basis, but not just reading to fill their quota and not just reading with the hope that it will make them have a good day. Spiritual leaders read that they may know Who God is and what He has done so that they may know and do His will.


Pastor Ron